Tuesday 30 June 2015

From Budget to Competitive: Bermuda Triangle (Part1)

Hi guys, today I am going to preview my take on how I would play the new G-Bermuda. As many have already known, this clan ain't cheap at all (olivia, why!?!) but the main core of the deck I am previewing today is reasonable affordable, and still have many of the main mechanics.

Disclaimer: This is a budget build you can mash up literally for cheap(by bermuda standards of cheap), it showcases that even though without the GR, you can still pressure multiple attacks per turn. If you happen to have the GR, it would make a great addition to the deck, but if your wallet cannot take the crit, it is not mandatory to play the clan as it should be with new generation stuff.


Deck Name: Davy Jones' Fish Tricks 

Grade 0: 18
2 Duo Lovers Singer, Darling (FVG) ~$0.4
4 Duo Grampus Turn, Shannon (crit) ~$0.8
4 Duo Love Joker, Chulym (Crit) ~$2
4 Heartful Ale, Fundy (draw) ~$2
4 Duo Tropical Healer, Medjerda(Heal) ~$0.8

Grade 1: 14
2 Duo Pretty Horn, Ural (Sb2 draw) ~$1
4 Duo Petit Etoile, Peace (draw Engine) ~$2
4 PR♥ISM Duo, Aria (PG) ~$20
4 Duo Gorgeous Lady, Kazuha (pressure booster)~$2

Grade 2: 11
4 Duo Dragon Palace Dianthus, Minamo (Giant Attacker) ~$2
3 Glitter of Yearning, Spica (Harmony Amber clone) ~$9
4 Duo Lovely Devil, Vepar ~$2

Grade 3: 7
4 Duo Lovely Angel, Nemuel (Main Ride) ~$2
3 Little Princess, Himari (RG pressure) ~$0.6

Grade 4:
2 Legend of the Glass Shoe, Amoris (Board reset) ~$6
2 Rain Element, Madew ~$4
4 Leisure Soft Ribbon, Somni (Pressure) ~$2

Total price: ~$59
By far this is quite cheap as Bermuda goes. Granted everything is still new and prices are still high, but this will drop somewad as time goes, so

Game Plan:
Somni, Spica and Himari are your main additional attack enabler. Amoris is there to reset all your units like Lulu in the event you did not bounce them. Make 21k columns with multiple Lulu and Syr Darya.

Winning Image:
Multiple RG swings. The VG column does not use much CB, so spent them all on rearguard effects. Swing till they break under the pressure and run out of cards to guard.

Notable things:

Nemuel and Vespar:
This is your main ride. They are unique for a duos legion as they can bounce and clone anything else, which makes them a great boss on the cheap. The legion mechanic is also very crucial for long games as you tend to go through the deck relatively fast. Also since both are just R, they total cost to field this is no more than ~$8, which is a steal.

I opted not to run these in here, but you can consider 2. She gives you your stride fodder and your Himari's but her only real problem is the nature of the clan itself: they lack big columns without specific setup. She is quite difficult to form  21k columns without external help from Somni and Spica, and only to anything that attacks for 11k or more. If you want to make room for her, as suggested you can make the changes suggested above, but it will affect the nature of the deck.

So lots of people are gonna ask why no Olivia. Firstly is the cost and availability. Secondly she is strong, but you can still manage without her in this deck. That said, she is a great addition to the deck, and give you stronger big pushes to end the game. If you have them available, I would reccomend taking an Amoris and a Somni for each Olivia pair.


So what do you guys think? Leave your comments if you have other interesting ways to play this deck (you can leave standard meta list too, but that be boring and brings nothing new to this archetype, so I rather not go there if possible.)

Friday 26 June 2015

Game Theory: Grade Locking

Hi all, very sorry for a really long delay between articles recently. Been really busy since a lot of stuff been happening, and had a lot to do. But now that I am back, I am going to bring up an important term that is becoming very common in our current meta: Grade locking.

Why u no ride your awesome grade 3?!? ~ Morikawa

What is Grade Locking?

For those who have not been on the receiving end of it yet, your opponent intentionally stays at grade 2 for 1 or more turns. This is quite different from what people term as grade stuck that g-assist is suppose to help smooth out: people will intentionally stay at grade 2, and still gain benefits off it even though they lose 1 use of twin drive by delaying.

Opponent is unable to stride or Legion:
Both of these require you and your opponent to be at least grade 3, so they are unable to access to most of their game plan. This is especially brutal to newer stride-based decks, where most of their important effects are stamped with Generation Break, and are pretty much vanilla before stride. Even a lot of legion era support needs vanguard to be in legion state, or perform legion for effects, hence most of the deck effectively turned vanilla.

2)You get first stride
This is the main reason why its so common. Being the first to stride is quite brutal to your opponent. You get first triple-drive, first activation of all your Generation Break effects, and your on hit-stride are painful to guard or take at this point of the game. So letting your opponent stride first puts you in quite a bad position.

3) Rushing the opponent:
If your hand is up for it, you can just rush opponent down with your units. Due to the nature of how many people mulligan for at least a copy of grade 1-3 in hand, hence they will have at most 2-3 cards to guard with for the first few turns. That means they are quite vulnerable to rushing early barring damage triggers, and even then, properly formed columns will still wreck them with a little luck from triggers. If you are at 3-4 damage by the time your opponent first stride, and have to guard everything, you are in for a rough time and have to guard pretty much all the big hits.

4) Riding is an actual Minus
By not having to use up a card in hand to ride, you actually save hand, assuming everything in your hand is playable at grade 2. While you make full use of your entire hand, your opponent has taken a -3 to ride up to Grade 3, while you -2 just to get to grade 2. The 1 card may not seem like much, but its potentially 1 more card to guard with. The game mechanics suppose to let twin drive from grade 3 help earn back the losses from riding, but we have already established how profitable it is to get the first stride, so even if riding to grade 3 gets you twin drive first, it will cause a lot of hurt when opponents gain access to their advantage first by striding before you.

If you see opponent intentionally
sitting on this, be prepared for
some rough early game

How to Grade-Lock?

So I have talked about why it can be a strategic means to win your card-fights. so how do you go about this as profitable as possible? Here are some of steps people usually take if they plan to grade lock:

Sub-clan units
Particularly true for effects that happen before legion/striding. The most common are grade 1 10k attackers and grade 2 12k attackers, but also effects that let you use skills prior to a grade 3. Most of them belong to the pre-legion era, and the strongest few exist during the limit break era where the vg skills tend to be slower, and rearguard effects make or break a deck.

Run 10k grade 2
People have this hate for vanillas, but they need to get over the hate, cause the way grade-lock is profitable. barring restraint 11k grade 2, 10k vanilla is the safest kind of unit to sit on while grade-locked. They cannot be punished by all those vanilla 9k grade 2, and always trump a 9k vanguad as long there is at least a 5k boost (15k will still beat a 9k with 10k shield when theres a trigger pushing it to 20k, past the 19k). Defense and offense wise, if the fight is to be grade-locked, the one who rides a 10k vanilla has the stong advantage. If they had to call a booster just so the 9k can hit a 10k vanguard, thats one less card in their hand they can use for guarding.

Rush decks
I wrote about my seeker rush here. The principle is basically the same: get as many magic columns as possible while your opponent is still reeling from the minus they experience from riding, and also being unable to guard as some cards in hand. Its not surprising to see opponent be at 3-4 damage by the time they ride a grade 3, and since you are not a grade 3 yet, they dont have access to most of their mechanics to fight back, and if you factor in they have to guard like their life depended on it, their hand is gonna be in a rough shape. Basically this strategy is valid for most sub-clans, with those with strong flooding potential being the scariest (seekers,jewel knights,revengers, liberators)


Why this is a problem?

Although I agree this is a very legitimate strategy for vanguard, there are a few foreseeable problems. Firstly it kills most of the fun for your opponent. Many people (myself included) love the awesome effects legion and stride brings to the table, and being denied these abilities is a killjoy. Granted it is a tactical decision, I rather not do this way too many times, or way too long in casual play. Vanguard is suppose to be fun for all players, and properly interactions; something you find happening when your stride deck is sitting there doing nothing, your grade 3 stuck in hand for fear of breaking the silence, or having a vanilla slug fest.  I hope that Bushirod can figure out a good remedy for this, but unfortunately this is gonna happen a lot in tournaments cause to many, winning is everything at a tourney. Just don't be a prick and do this often to your friends intentionally to take the fun out of his games.

/Unstuck please!
How to Unstuck

So now that I have talked about benefits and problems of grade stuck, here are my suggestions against them:

Play 10k & 8K vanillas
This is particularly true for decks with very weak early game (Gear chronicle). Vanguard's ultimate goal is to shaft six damage down your opponent's throat, and having the guard advantage by having high base numbers goes a long way to not dying. It sucks if you don't get to play some awesome skills, but if you are facing a lot of grade lock, they might as well be vanillas, so factor in this.

Guard early, and often
Grade lock turns the game into a damage race with vanillas. And if that is so, you want to take as minimal damage as possible. That means being liberal with your guarding. If opponent intends to stay grade locked, take as little damage as humanly possible, and let the twin drive overwhelm your opponent over a few turns.

Have strong early game plans
Most main clans have a lot of options early (shadow, royal are famous few), and most can operate even at just grade 2. Best advise is plan for early game interactions, be it playing vanillas, or skill that can be used early, which are commonly found in sub clan cards.

Just ride your grade 3
If your deck is incapable of grade lock strategies, don't force it. Just stick to guarding easy damage and taking the first stride attack that will be coming. If he continues to maintain grade 2, you will overwhelm him over 2-3 turns if you live that long, and you definitely need the extra drive checks to find more shields to guard with.

Play stands and draw triggers, they hate it
They will definitely try to guard for their rear guards if possible, and stand triggers will completely wreck them. Also for draw trigger, barring heal triggers, are the best thing to damage check against grade lock. More available options and the extra 5k just wrecks early rush like no tomorrow.

Mutual Agreement
Just tell your folks you hate it to the core. If they value social interactions, they will cut down the frequency it happens. That said, some house rules could help mitigate the frequency this happens. I suggest one of the following:

  • If opponent intentionally miss grade and did not g-assist that turn, and the opponent was a grade 3 since the start of the turn, he has to return what the drive check back to the bottom of the deck (still get the trigger effect, but make the minus hurt a lot more)
  • If a player strides first, the opponent gets to draw a card, and put a card back at the bottom at the end of the turn (to help facilitate guarding, which is downright nasty against first strides)
  • The opponent who grade stuck for 2+ turns treats the other person a can drink (my personal favorite)

So What are your guys' opinions? Let me know what you guys think, as well as your opinions on the matter.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Bermuda Triangle: Those SPs...

I hope all of your wallets can take the abuse... this is complete madness to me...


Yen/SGD converter on Yahoo

How bout hell fuckin no way...

If you have these, and you are not insistant enough to keep them, SELL THEM ASAP!!!

Budget Control: Bermuda Triangle

So Bermuda's booster just came out recently, and there is a hype in demand for the cards. So I want to put in some advise for those who are a little light on the wallet.

Wait a few weeks for price to stabilize:
This is a very standard practice if you are extremely tight on budget. Wait for the hype to die down a bit, and more boxes are opened. The RR and some RRR will stabilize after many more boxes are opened to find SP full arts, so there WILL be much more stock soon for staples, so just chill a little and proxy up first if your friends are open about it.

Try to buy the C and R playsets:
Thus is saying as a budget player; buy play sets from people who whacked crates for SP arts. They have so many repeats of the C and R that its easy to get them to let it off to you. Being a clan booster and the sheer amount that is opened to find those elusive SP art, there is gonna be HEAPS of C and R, so i suggest trying to get a play set of C and R for ~$10. May give a little more lee way of $12-15 if you want them now, but kindly refer back to 1st rule, where you wait a few weeks, and reserve those money for the RR PGG and G3.

If you need the cash, sell your foil R, GR and SP arts now!:
This is for people who opened multiple boxes. They are only gonna drop in price as many more become available. If you can probably live with just 2 GR at this current state, but even then its optional, as the on hit stride has similar effects. They also sell for a whooping ~$30+ a pop, so use this to recoup your box cost, and wait for it to dip closer to $20 to buy them back. For SP arts, unless you are an avid collector and have the cash, just use them to recoup the cost. Sp and non-SP have no difference in play value, and if you are like me, function wise they are no different, and I prefer to save  what you can for basic important stuff, like the RRR break-stride.

Start digging stores for C and R from previous Bermuda booster (especially duos):
This is a little late, but if your local stall have spares for Duos C and R, gobble play sets up IMMEDIATELY. They are gonna keep going up, specially Peace that everyone and their friends will advocate playing in 4s. Take as many as you can if they are affordable, as it is only going to get harder, and take some for your friends if you feel generous. If for nothing else you can resell it for a marginal profit, or make complete decks to sell off.

Stay the hell away from Meer and Victoria:
If you already have these and are not planning to play them, let go of them now. Their price are now experiencing spikes as the demand suddenly jumped. Meer is super mandatory for playing Eternal Sister Meer, and Victoria is an important legion for Duos if you are going that direction now that she has another duos legion to work with. If you can snag them for trades for cheap, do so, but otherwise just ignore them for now as they are gonna cost you. Give it 2-4 months and when the craze subsides, you can go ahead and grab them as a deck or play set.

Monday 15 June 2015

From Budget to Competitive: Dark irregular Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of Budget to Competitive. We will continue to look into dark irregulars on a whole and compare both options available: Amon focused, and Scharlachrot.

Again I will list the pricing I used in previous article.


I will mark the prices of all the options as *Worth getting, *not so budget unfriendly, and *super-budget unfriendly.

(RR) Scharlachrot Vampir ~$4-6 each, easily found
(RR) Flag Breaker ~ $3-4 each, easily found (Compulsory)
(RR) Squall Maker Vampir ~$2-3 each, easily found
(RRR) One Who is Abhorrent, Gilles de Rais ~$6-8 each, easily found
(PR) Flying Librarian ~$1-2 each, not so easy found
(RR) Doreen the thruster ~$6-9 each, very hard to acquire
(PR) Psychic of Ash, Hadar ~ $25+ per legion pair, very hard to acquire
(PR) Astaroth Legion ~$7-9 per legion pair, not so easy found
(RR) Yellow Bolt ~$2-3 each, not so easily found
(R) Alluring Succubus ~$2-3 each, very hard to find
(RR) Great Demon, Soulless Demagogue ~ $1-2 each, easily found
(RRR) Amon's Claw, Marchocias ~$2-3 each, not so easily found
(RRR) Demon Marquis, Amon "Яeverse" ~$5-6 each, not so easily found
(RR) Amon's Follower, Vlad Specula ~$4-5 each, not so easily found

Di C and R play sets from GBT03: ~$10 for play set, easily found
Dark knight of nightmareland ~$2 for play set, not so easy
Hysteric Shirley ~$2 for play set, not so easy
Most C ~$1 for 5, most R ~$2 for play set

Now here is the rough breakdown for prices I would use for my decks:

Total price breakdown for Amon if buying singles:
4 Amon Яeverse ~$20
2 Astaroth set ~$16
2 Gilles ~$12
3 Marchocias ~$9
4 Flag breaker ~ $14

total: $71 +

Total price breakdown for Scharlachrot if buying singles:
4 Scharlachrot ~$20
4 Squall Maker ~$8
2-3 Librarian ~$4
4 Flag breaker ~ $16
4 Gilles ~$24

total: $74+

The price breakdown isn't very far off after doing the math. Its just that Amon have more early game and soul charge potential, but are reasonably harder to acquire. Scharlachrot is much easier to acquire, and people will likely be selling the entire deck for reasonable price. Both decks have the pros and cons, so pick what you like!

Some Thoughts

Doreen the thruster vs Lunatic Masquerade
Price: $6-9 vs $0.2
So Doreen is something MANY DI players will consider a must have. Personally i think otherwise. She promotes bulk soul charging, has use pre-stride, has a higher number possible compared to Lunatic, and has almost 3000% price increase compared to Lunatic, and is rather difficult to acquire. And if you comparing turns where there is no soul charging involved (like when you are 6-7 cards from decking out), she is weaker than Lunatic, which is always a stable 11K by then.  Not to say she is bad, but she and predator tends to lure newer DI players to spam their SC effects just to keep numbers up across multiple turns, which I feel is just gonna make decking out a real thing. You have to pace your SC effects to get the most out of DI, and unless it is final turn or you need the souls, I suggest trying not to aim for high soul count just to make Doreen work, but rather get her to benefit off the incidental soul charge effects you have.

Shirley vs Monochrome
Price: $0.25 vs $0.2
This is a matter of preference, as I feel if you are even going to stride even once, Monochrome performs better. Granted Shirley is 2 SC during main phase, Monochrome lets you do 2 things DI does not have often: drawing cards and countercharge. You give up a 10k shield, but you make up for it with another use of an important skill like Bar maid or either Vampir, while recycling a stand trigger back to deck and a draw. So I feel even if your deck sorely needs draw like in Amon, even Amon have very huge front row during either stride, so it is in favor of Monochrome.

Astaroth vs Hadar
Price: $8 vs $20+
Based on card pool available, Astaroth gets to dip into the entire Amon card pool, which has some of the most efficient SC engine possible. He is also a legion with always crit pressure, and a mate that is still strong even if you had to ride it. Hadar is the more generic legion, and with the printing of Rigil it is possible to make a grade 3 line-up of both Rigil and Hadar. Only real problem is getting Hadar legion set. As of this writing the price has seen a crazy spike, due to the demand for the mate, which is good in any legion DI deck. So if you wallet is hurting, Astaroth is being printed as a legion pair promo and more easily available as compared to the now low print Hadar legion.

Fanart Amon "Яeverse" From  Franky Kesuma

Amon list

Grade 0: 18
2 Bar maid Grace (FVG)
4 Hell's trick (heal)
4 Grausam (effect crit)
4 Cruel Hand (crit)
4 Monochrome (stand)

Grade 1: 13
4 Flag breaker (PGG)
2 Pure love succubus
3 Hell's deal
4 Phu Gremlin

Grade 2:11
4 Ron Gremlin
4 Hell's Draw
3 Hell's Nail

Grade 3: 8
2 Amon
4 Amon "Яeverse"
2 Astaroth

Grade 4: 8
2 Gilles
2 Demagouge
3 Marchocias
1 Kisskill Lila

Now the plan for this list is full balls aggro. Your main stride will be Demagouge as you soul charge set up, and Marchocias for big swing turns. Grilles is strictly a finisher, and if you ended up having 2 bar maid in play, we can easily see a 66k+ Grilles with glory and double crit, which is quite game over for most people. Astaroth is there in the event you starting to deck out, as most of the time you will be spend as reverse, hopefully have the crossride through all the soul charging. You can swap Phu Gremlin for Doreen if you want, but no more than 2, as I find Phu useful even late game as emergency attackers.

Stride Era's Amon

Scharlachrot build

Grade 0: 17
1 Werbat Ordonnanz
4 Alice (heal)
4 Monochrome (stand)
4 Weretiger (crit)
4 Dark knight (crit)

Grade 1: 13
4 Flag Breaker (PGG)
3 Lunatic Masquarede (11k booster @ 10 soul)
4 Pure love Succubus (stride fodder)
2 killing dollmaster

Grade 2: 12
2 Flying Librarian
4 Knife conducter
3 Izyla (legion mate)
3 Squall Maker Vampir

Grade 3: 8
4 Scharlachrot Vampir
3 Hadar (legion)

Grade 4: 8
2 KissKill Lila
4 Gilles
2 Demagouge

This is very similar to previous budget list except for the inclusion of 2nd set of Grilles and 2 Librarian and Legion. I find librarian's really decent even though it is only 8k, as we have mainly Lunatic as a booster. We have some strong 21k columns in squall maker or any column with lunatic (at 6 soul he is 9k boost, which is 21k with knife conductor), while VG column is a threat by itself thanks to stride and GB2. Same deal as previous deck; where you have to pace your SC or else you risk decking out. It is definitely less aggressive than Amon, but you have more card advantage, and therefore less likely to run out of gas. Legion is there for the end game when you still have not killed your opponent, and can help you purge triggers out of the soul to legion back.

So what do you guys think?  I am currently working on a DP and GP deck, and posting my NG deck that I main. Leave your comments on what you want to see next!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Everyone gets a cross-breakride!

So yea I was bored and thought of possible breakride units for existing cross-rides, since PBD and Overlord got the treatment, it would be cool for these to get it as well. I will do 1 for each nation to be fair to all of them. Here are my possible suggestion to how it will turn out, and a bit of background on why I choose to make them this way.


Blue storm dragon, Maelstrom (breakride)

[AUTO]:(LB4):[Counter Blast (1), Soul Blast (1)]: «Aqua Force» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose your vanguard, and until end of turn, that unit gets [Power]+10000, and "[AUTO](VC) At the end of the battle this unit attacks a vanguard, and if did not hit, and it is the forth battle or more, choose up to two of your rear-guards, [stand] them, and until end of turn they gain [power] +5000."
[AUTO](VC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, if it is the third battle of the turn or more, this unit gets power +3000 power until end of that battle.

There is too many crossrides in Bermuda, and between Cocytus and Maelstrom, I'd say more in favor of Maelstrom. This breakride is use to make glory all the more potent if they could guard it, but it does grant many of the other bosses potent final turn pushes similar to Lambros. This basically forces Reverse to hit or they are in for a world of hurt, tetra drive becomes 7 attacks if it does not hit on the 5th. The second ability is make it more incentive to get strong columns early by turning a 7k booster into a 21k VG column and help hitting cross-rides, but you still have to work in multiple attacks to get it.

Art by Rwka

Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel (breakride)

[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2),Soul Blast (1)] When an «Gold Paladin» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at up to four cards from the top of your deck, search for up to two «Gold Paladin» from among them, call them to separate open (RC), and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order, and choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](VC): when this unit attacks a vanguard ,this unit gains [Power] equal to the combined power of units placed on (RC) from deck this turn."

[AUTO](VC)[1/Turn][Choose a grade 3 card from your hand, and reveal it] When a unit is placed on an open (RC) from your deck, if you have three or more rear-guards, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for grade 3 or more unit with "ezel" in its name, show it to opponent, then add it to your hand. Then choose a grade 3 from your hand, discard it, shuffle your deck, and this unit gains [Power] +1000 until end of turn for each rear-guard you have.. (Even if you do not use this ability, you cannot use this ability again for the rest of the turn).

United Sanctuary have MLB, Ameterasu, and Ezel that needs rework, but Ameterasu already got revival legion for herself, and its difficult to make a breakride for MLB, so I ended up with Ezel. The idea here is to give Platina more final push potential, as one of its greatest weakness is the lack of board flooding ability as Platina. It also makes Platina itself hit like a truck minus critical pressure, so it think its fair. The whole gambit requires 5 CB and 1 SB, so it takes some steps to get it going, but boy you get to see some scary numbers when it does. The second effect also lets you find your next ride or stride fodder and rewards you for using RG to superior call.


Stern Blaukluger (Breakride)

[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1), Soul Blast 3] When an «Nova Grappler» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](VC): when a rear-guard is [Rest] this turn, choose a unit, it gains [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](RC) When this unit's attacks hit a vanguard, Counter Charge (1)." 

[ACT](VC)[1/TURN](Counter Blast (1): This unit gains [Power]+2000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](VC) When this unit's attack hits a vanguard this turn, draw a card, and Counter Charge (1)."

Star gate have mostly Dimension police or Nova crossrides, so it is between Daiyusha, Asura, or Blau. Daiyusha have the revival legion, Blau needed a better breakride for galaxy, and needed support more than Asura in general so here it is. Now this quite different from the original stern. Instead of restanding itself, the breakride effect makes the galaxy turn much harder to guard as more attacks get in. It also has strong synergy with Mars. The cost is also extremely heavy for nova so that they cannot keep break riding this over and over. The second skill is a form of VG pressure, very similar to the original stern, but instead of a restand, it helps gain some advantage if it hits, but you lose the CB if it does not, giving opponent incentive to actually want to guard it.

Art by Rwka

Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (Breakride)

[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Soul Blast (2)] When an «Pale Moon» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](VC): when a rear-guard is called to (RC) from the soul, choose a rear-guard, and that unit and your vanguard gains [Power] +3000 until end of turn, ".

[AUTO](VC)[1/Turn]:When a unit is placed on (RC) from soul, look at up to two cards from the top of your deck, search up to one card from among them, put it into your soul, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order, and this unit gains [Power] +3000 until end of turn.

Dark Zone is between Amon or Luquier. I went with Luquier as they are in a slightly more rough shape than DI. The breakride effect mimics a combination of original Luquier + Lion. However she does not naturally call units from the soul, and you will rely on effect shenanigans to do so. It however fixes column issues that pale moon tend to have for their VG. The second effect rewards active use of RG effects to call more units; this time being a free use of Irina.


Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree (Breakride)

[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage)[Counter Blast (1)]:When a «Narukami» rides this unit, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, choose up to two rear-guard in opponent front row, retire them and bind them, choose up to 1 card from opponent bind zone and call them to his front row <RC>, then if there is still a empty (RC) in the front row, choose up to one unit from that column and move it to the front row. For each card in opponent's bind zone, put the top card of your deck into bind zone.

[AUTO](VC)(choose a grade 3 in your hand, and reveal it) when this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck up to 1 grade 3 with "Dungaree" in its name, reveal it to your opponent, put into your hand, shuffle your deck, choose a card in your hand, and bind it.

This is an interesting take on Narukami, by moving opponent's RG to the front row so that they are at the mercy of their front row retirement effect. I considered either Vermillion or Dungaree to give a cross-breakride, and ended up settling for the less supported one.  What the ability does is a retire effect for his front row, and increase number of bind cards for both you and your opponent, and move up to 1 unit at the back to the now open front row. You also 'pay' for how many you choose to retire by binding 1 card for each unit that ended up in the bind zone. The 2nd effect lets you hit your crossride, while also increasing your bind zone count for unlimited's LB4.

School Hunter, Leo-Pald (Breakride)

[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3), Soul Blast (2)] When an «Great Nature» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, choose up to five cards in your hand, call them to seperate (RC), choose up to five of your rear-guards, and those units gain [Power] +4000 until end of turn, and "[AUTO](RC): when a unit attack in the same column as this unit attacks a vanguard, if its [Power] is 20000 or more, draw a card, at the end of that turn, retire this unit ".

[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, choose up to one of your rear-guards, until end of turn, it gains [Power] + 4000, and at the end of that turn, draw a card, Counter Charge (1), and retire that unit.

This is equivalent to a altmile in the form of a great nature breakride, except it buffs the entire field and cost at least 3 times more. Note that you don't have to hit to get the draw, and even units boosted by pumped units will grant the draw, so pumping the column will net two draw and 8000 power, but will cause the column to retire. This works in line with Reverse's calling back retired units. This provides some insane push power while enabling you have a hand to guard at the end of the turn. The second effect is basically a big berry GB1, but suits the theme of trading units for power and shields in hand, while getting even more pluses off gaining back retired units.

So those are my take on some units I would give the 'breakride' treatment. What do you guys think? Leave some comments on what you think or would like to see get the same treatment.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Playing on a Budget: Tips for budget Vanguard 1

Hi all and in this article I will go through a few tips on how to make full use of your money when it comes to playing Vanguard, as well as things that work on the cheap. Do note that although some of these tips are in context to Singapore where I live, it can be applied in most places where traders, players and stores are accessible.


Buying decks from Player base

This is already a common practice, but needs some elaboration for newer players. The idea here is to buy a complete deck from players who are willing to sell them. There are a few benefits here;

1) You get the full (or almost full) package: 
This saves a lot of time hunting for a lot of singles. You may still need to grab a few more cards to tune the deck to suit your play style, but overall you already found at least 40-50 cards through 1 person, so it saves a lot of time!

2) Relatively cheaper:
This is usually cheaper than getting everything from a store or buying singles. Most of the time the commons and rares that are negligible will get thrown in for free, and at times you get a pretty decent discount to seal the deal, if you are polite enough and the other person is willing. So always communicate with who you deal and try to find a comfortable price both side can agree on. You be surprised how good deals you can get at times!

3) Trades are possible:Both of you can even consider trade existing decks for each other's, provided you both come to the consensus that they are of equal value. And by equal value is not just monetary value, but possibly play value or collectible value. This gives the possibly of trying out different decks for minimal costs.

4) Get to meet new people and places:This is quite relevant in Singapore as you may have to travel to the seller's point of contact (POC), This may be a good opportunity to locate and visit card shops in the area, as well as meet more people who share this hobby! Always try to interact and you will be surprised how many of them are quite nice once they warm up to you. On the flip side you also get to see different types of people to deal with, and if appropriate, take note of those you have to be cautious of (backdealers, cheaters, rowdy, rude, swindlers). Its not to say it is wrong but more like its a choice to be this way. You also have a choice to continue interacting with them or not, so final verdict is up to you!


Building a Collection

This is a very important tip for newer players that want to try out different clans. You can usually find your commons or rares within 1st week of a new release, and they tend to be undervalued early in the set due to people trying to recoup cost from buying boxes,  There a few particular things you need to note of and try to include in your collection.

This is very important so I will get this out of the way first. This is basically equivalent to gambling and hope u strike a lottery. Risk vs rewards this is a terrible idea, as you could have just paid ~$4 for basically 4 C and a R you don't need. I am not trying to crap on store owners, but from a player standpoint it is just too much risks for my liking. If you have to buy packs, buy a box of them. This greatly reduce the randomness, and you can resell all the RR and RRR and cover most of the cost, as well as getting the kick of opening packs.

Buying Booster slots:
This will be the defacto means to acquire cards in a new set. The way it works is if you pay for a clan slot, you will gain every card that belongs to that clan that appears in the box. You can get really lucky and gain multiple RR and RRR, or really unlucky and get as little as just a single RR. However, the randomness tends to even out at around 8-16 slots, and this easily gives you 2-4 extra play set of C and R to sell off, so you can recoup some money back. At around 16 slots you will very likely get at least 4 of everything san GR, and extras goes into your trade bait or recouping expenditure.

Do note that hyped clan slots are notoriously spiked in price due to demand and how well the cards gained can easily sell, so if you are aiming for one of those, prepare to easily shell out $10-14 for each slot. Non-main clans like Murakumo are budget players dream as they cost ~$5-6 per slot, which is a steal for what you are getting.

Buying C and R play sets from new sets:
This is if you do not want to buy slots and you want to gain the cards for a future budget deck. Most Sets are commonly sold by traders or people who open boxes for ~$10 per clan per set, and will have 4 of every C and R. That is a very low price to gain the R play sets while gaining bonus C, so if you do not want to buy slots, this is a good option.

Pretty... Expensive that is
Stride fodders: 

If BT03 thought me anything, its that stride fodder may actually spike in price! Our lovely little lady Branwen, as of this writing, has spike to a whooping $4-6 each! Granted she belongs the shadow paladin which is a main clan, but she was easily $0.5-1 at the release of GBT03, and due to how many people needs her, and only 1 is available per box, its going to be a little hard to acquire her. This is also the case for many stride fodder for main clans like Royal, Neo Nectar and Gear Chronicle that are going to gain support in GBT04, so if you happen to find them during trading, I strongly advise acquire at least a play set of them. Even if you do not use them, they make really good trade bait to help acquire stuff you need, so don't miss out on chances!
So vanilla, but so good for budget

On hit strides:
Many of the on hit strides are R, TD or FC15, which usually gets played in every deck. They are also super budget option for those on a tight wallet. Again similar to stride fodder, I would advise gaining a play set of them in the event you do end up playing the clan. Some main clan strides will jump in prices due to trends and availability, and they can be used in extreme fights if it suits your fancy, so no reason not to get them!

This is particularly true for EVERY clan. You can make a budget deck for everything, but you will without fail need 16 triggers and 4 PG. This tend to cost a little more than the other options, but they are always compulsory to run. You will also want to do some research beforehand and learn what each clan prefers. Some clans actually need to run normal PG instead of the new PGG, and there are even clans who benefit running Quintet walls (eg Regalia/ Musketeers). So if you can find a steal for Sentinels, especially commonly used ones, pick them up to bolster what you have for trade! Newer PGG tend to around $3-6 depending on demands, QW tend to be on cheaper end of $1-3, PG tend to change prices according to how important the PGG is to the clan, but sub clan PG tend to have stable price at $4-5.

Effect Triggers:
This is a relatively low investment, and can usually be found easily by looking through C piles that store sell for bulk price. My suggestion is to look up for upcoming clan hypes, and go acquire play sets of effect triggers that are likely to be used. Triggers without effect are more easily available and usually are optional, but sub clan (eg Jewel Knights) need those because of Especial counterblast, and based on scarcity they could spike in demand. Important triggers to look out for are triggers that soul charge for effects (power gain, countercharge), or some of the newer GB1 stand triggers that provide important clan mechanics.

They are actually dahm good in a Claret deck, and barely cost anything

Vanilla Legions/R legions:
This is particularly true for most clans who gain support from Season 4 and G. I find most budget option for newer stride era decks favoring running vanilla legion as back up G3 and their mate. They cost a micro-fraction of many RR or RRR legion, the 10k G2 does a lot of work to shore up early game vulnerability, and it grants the legion mechanic, which many stride decks need late game due to dangers of decking out. The 10k base is hardly a big issue since strides are basically PG or no guard 80% of the time, and easily hit 31k with a proper booster. R legions are better if they are available to your clan, but not everyone have access to them, so it really depends on what is available.


And that's all for the first part of this series. Leave some comment on what you would like to see more or any budget ideas you guys have!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

From Budget to Competitive: Dark irregular Part 1

Its time for me to do a new budget deck. This time after a few people's suggestion I decided to try making a dark irregular deck. Thanks to the availability of it in the recent GBT03 booster, and how many top tier players find it weak. I have decided to look at what is possible for making this deck work and work out a cost-efficient means to play this deck.

This time round I will try a different approach towards making the deck. I will first look up all the possible cards we can add, availability, and price range, before deciding on options. Based on a little digging and some running around Singapore, this is the price range I could get for these:

Noteable Pricing:

I will mark the prices of all the options as *Worth getting*not so budget unfriendly, and *super-budget unfriendly.

(RR) Scharlachrot Vampir ~$4-6 each, easily found
(RR) Flag Breaker ~ $3-4 each, easily found (Compulsory)
(RR) Squall Maker Vampir ~$2-3 each, easily found
(RRR) One Who is Abhorrent, Gilles de Rais ~$6-8 each, easily found
(PR) Flying Librarian ~$1-2 each, not so easy found
(RR) Doreen the thruster ~$6-9 each, very hard to acquire
(RR) Emblem Master ~$2-5 each, very hard to acquire
(PR) Psychic of Ash, Hadar ~ $25+ per legion pair, very hard to acquire
(PR) Astaroth Legion ~$7-9 per legion pair, not so easy found
(RR) Yellow Bolt ~$2-3 each, not so easily found
(R) Alluring Succubus ~$2-3 each, very hard to find
(RR) Great Demon, Soulless Demagogue ~ $1-2 each, easily found
(RRR) Amon's Claw, Marchocias ~$2-3 each, not so easily found
(RRR) Demon Marquis, Amon "Яeverse" ~$5-6 each, not so easily found
(RR) Amon's Follower, Vlad Specula ~$4-5 each, not so easily found

Dark knight of nightmareland ~$2 for play set, not so easy
Hysteric Shirley ~$2 for play set, not so easy
Most C ~$1 for 5, most R ~$2 for play set
Di C and R play sets from GBT03: ~$10 for play set, easily found (see image)

He's our main man... I mean Vampir...
Since we are going about the cheaper and more easily available cards, it effectively makes our deck revolve around striding, You have to play 4 Flag breaker and 4 Scharlachrot Vampir, and 2 Gilles to have a decent chance against most decks. That is ~$47+ cost already. If you include the C and R bundle, that's close to $60. So while this deck is reasonably cheap, its not one of those super budget ones.

If you are lucky and are one of the few who bought box slots @ ~$50 for 8 slots, you might get most of this for a really good deal and have spares to either trade for what you need or sell spare C and R! The rest of you don't give up! Check up trade forums and have a look out at stores and player base to see if they have any sweet deals for these. Its entirely possible to get this under $50 if they are desperate enough to let them go!


Deck List:
Budget Dark Irregular

Grade 0: 17
1 Werbat Ordonnanz
4 Alice (heal)
4 Monochrome (stand)
4 Weretiger (crit)
4 Dark knight (crit)*

Grade 1: 13
4 Flag Breaker (PGG)
3 Lunatic Masquarede
4 Pure love Succubus (stride fodder)
3 Killing dollmaster

Grade 2: 11
4 Knife conducter
4 Werewolf Jaeger
3 Squall Maker Vampir

Grade 3: 4
4 Scharlachrot Vampir
4 Sweet Predator

Grade 4:
4 KissKill Lila
2 Gilles
2 Demagouge**

* Its not found in GBT03, but you will definitely get a play set in your DI playing career, so just grab them from stall if possible.
** This is particularly strong with Starter + stride skill adding 6 cards to soul in 1 turn. It is a bulk RR in FC15, so its reasonably easy to acquire.

Total cost: ~$60


Winning Image:
Stride every turn and make 21k columns. Lunatic + either Knife or werewolf will make 21k columns with little effort, while squall with any booster makes 21k column for 1 CB. Ideally you have 3 soul breakpoints; 6 (Scharlachrot stride skill), 10 (other effects) and 15 (Gilles). It is extremely vital NOT to rush to 15. Take it slow and reap the benefits off Scharlachrot stride skill to retire, and only go to 15 for the kill. Sweet predator is mostly fodder or an extra RG attacker, but you can push her up through dark knight, monochrome, werebat or dollmaster, also making columns.

My favorite G1 for this deck. Works like a Doreen, but none of the commitments required! 

Disclaimer: This is the base required for the deck to function properly. Trust me, it works out fine if you pace your soul charging. You don't have to all in at once, and take a while to whittle down opponent with 21k+ columns. You get decent advantage off Kisskill + Scharlachrot + monochrome, so you can still stay afloat while you hammer away at your opponent.


Next time round I will talk more about possible improvements, as well as look into building towards the Amon sub clan as well. Till then, leave some comments and share your opinions! Let me know if you prefer the older format or this format.

Monday 8 June 2015

Thoughts: Past, Present, Future (near)

Have been busy these few days so there has not been any updates, but I am still working on stuff.

Tentative things I am working on:

  • A sanctuary Guard deck running only 2 G2
  • Claret Sword deck 2nd revision (been doing a lot of testing)
  • Clearing some drama here and there.
  • Stop procrastinating writing articles 
  • Figuring out a more non-united-sanctuary clan to make a deck next
  • Getting a job (resume still being sent but settling for part time atm)

Thats pretty much all that is happening atm. Let me know in comments if you would like to see anything on the blog.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Deck Profile: My Ashlei Stands Above All

So today I did this deck on a whim, which feels a little different from normal JK decks. But i feel this is a decent deck that can still fight with the newer decks thanks to stride and LB4 enabler. So lets move on to deck list:

Disclaimer: This deck is NOT meta. This is about what I feel is important as a VG player: winning Image. You can beat anyone with a meta deck, but if you are looking for style points, or want to try something people do not usually predict very well, come give this deck a try. Its actually reasonably fun to play.

Deck Name: My Ashlei Stands Above All

Grade 0: 17
1 Heloise (FVG)
5 crit (JK)
2 draw (JK)
5 stand (JK)
4 heal (JK)

Grade 1: 14
4 Holy knight guardian (PGG)
2 Alwain (Ashlei Pump)
4 Cymberline (rest pump jk +10k)
4 Sabremy (LB4 enabler)

Grade 2: 11
4 Tracey (12k attacker)
4 Swordmy (searcher)
2 Violinist (CB1 SB1 call G2)
1 Kymbelinus (special intercept)

Grade 3: 8
4 Ashlei R
3 Ashlei (breakride)
1 Yvain (legion)

Grade 4:
2 Garblade (swordmy pressure)
2 Jirron
2 Saint Blow (crit finisher)
2 Samuil (Dragruler effect)

Game Plan:
Flood the field (like what all JK should do) and smack them silly. Using Samuil to push them in damage helps to make your stand triggers all the more scary. You want to mainly sit on Ashlei R, either crossride or not. The breakride is good for forcing PG, and the crossride is a nightmare to face as an aggro deck. The deck is relatively light on CB compared to other RP decks (only Samuil and Ashlei R into swordmy cost 2CB per turn). I don't really think the JK PG is needed, but if you feel otherwise you can run JK PG instead.

Winning Image:
Swinging in with a full field and making him guard everything since Samuil accelerated your opponent's end game, and therefore need to guard all the attacks. You get consistency off searching for Swordmy, helping you build your field to what you need at the moment.

Notable things:

Running stands:
This is towards the game plan of sitting on Ashlei, and using Jirron and Samuil to push for end game.
With opponent's damage pushing towards 4-5 damage, stands become really annoying to deal with, and its a crying shame to put all that power to waste. I would run 6 stands if not for the need to run at least some draw, but if you are gutsy, you can run 6crit/6stand instead.

Alwain + Cymberline + stands + Jirron:
So you might ask, why did i play stands. Cause its really a waste not to due to the ways you can make some retarded attacker really huge. You can use Alwain to pump your RG ashlei bigger, making it 10k the 1st time and a stand translate to 15k guard. This does not factoring in any other effects like Cymberline +5k, or even Jirron's effect.

2 Violinist:
They are here to fetch swordmy, and if TSD splashing these does not already tell you something, its that swordmy is really consistantly good. Finds a Cyberline to boost power, Sabremy to enable LB4, or just plain fill a 16k column, all for just 1 CB. And violinist is basically your swordmy 5-6. If lacking CB you can fetch a Kymberlinus for defense or Tracey if you need another attacker.

Ashlei Crossride:
Its an option, but its alright if you do not want to make it happen. Extra Ashlei are either used as stride fodder and recycled by Alwain, or used as attackers. The main focus here is to abuse the synergy with Alwain + stands in this deck, so you want to run many Ashlei. 8 is not a lot of difference from 7, so it allows me to put in the next tech card.

x1 Yvain:
Ok this is here INCASE I am decking out, but it is quite unlikely since I will either die by then, or my opponent will. But if I reach that point, we can just shuffle back triggers and go for final push. He's crit pressure by himself, meaning opponent's cannot ignore him. Plus he is legion with swordmy, so no deck space wasted on his mate.

Why only 2 Saint Blow?!?! And why Jirron?!?!
Jirron is super synergy with stand triggers. And saint blow, although good, will usually just eat up a PG most of the time since they are expecting it, so i rather stride Samuil or Jirron instead. The saint blow are just incase you know opponent has no PG, if opportunity arises, give him the surprise butt sex. But he's not needed to kill the guy. It does not matter much wad your opponent do, he just drop cards or roll over and die. No need to worry he got PG or not. Simplicity is good.


So what do you guys think? Leave your comments if you have other interesting ways to play this deck (you can leave standard meta list too, but that be boring and brings nothing new to this archetype, so I rather not go there if possible.)

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Deck profile: Claret Sword Dragon deck

Alight guys this time is a very, VERY straightforward deck profile. We will be talking about new deck built with the heartbreak unit for shadow: Claret Sword Dragon. But first, watch the link below to understand why its awesome.

That power. Much hand. Such field. So Spam. Very strong.

You will realize Kanzaki is laying the smack-down with mostly G1 units. You will also realize that claret lets you toolbox for needed G1. And you will make good RG columns literally every turn you are striding. Now imagine the second stride is Diablo instead of aurageyser, and the sheer amount of cost to guard those turns. That is pretty much what we are going to do with this deck:

G0: 19
3 new sharp knight, David (FVG)
4 healing revenger
12 crit (all revenger)

G1: 14
4 night sky eagle
4 knight of yearning, Branwen
1 Black sage, Charron
4 karma collector (PGG)
1 black-winged swordbreaker

G2: 10
4 comet witch serva
1 skull witch Nemain
1 smother knight, Giva
2 fiercebau
2 fighting spirit revenger, Macart

G3: 7
4 claret sword dragon
3 ambitious spirit revenger, Cormack

G4: 8
2 aurageyser dragon
4 Phantom Blaster Dragon Diablo
1 Grim recruiter
1 elsyion


Disclaimer: This deck very much Auto-pilots itself very well. All you need to do is set up 21k RG columns and let the crits from triggers and Vg column do the rest. And you will still have the hand to guard properly. Crazy but true.

2nd Disclaimer: This list looks like a bloody mess, but its not. I gave most of these things reasonable considerations before I made and test out this list. The numbers can be a tad funny but they are there for a reason. I will go to the choice breakdown in a bit.

Winning Image:
Run opponent out of cards through sheer brute force. With pluses left right and center, you can easily take a beating when required, and dish them every turn through sheer RG columns and VG crit pressure. You will literally have crits every turn on the VG column (claret, diablo, Kormac) and this will run your opponent dry of guard really fast, or kill them outright if they failed to guard at 3 damage and you flip a crit.

Beware the birds; they gonna rain on your enemies' parade!

Eagle pulls its weight in this deck. He comes in and make columns, and then gets retired later to fuel effects once his effect wears off. Its no slouch as an attacker as well, being one of the only G1 capable of hitting even crossrides with Claret +2k alone. Would love to run more than 4 of these if possible. Try not to ride them if at all possible, even if you have to ride a PG!

You get a crit, he get a crit, they get a crit, everyone gets crits! 

Nothing as threatening as the idea of you dying if you don't guard at 4 damage. Or even 3 if you get crit trigger. The deck's VG column is crits every day, forcing opponent's to act on it or risk dying, and this indirectly translate to triggers going to side columns and making it even more taxing to them. At the rate people add cards to hand through drive checks and drawing, something has to give after 2-3 turns, and when it does, boy will it hurt.

Draws many cards,without even trying.
You are going to see this combo happen, Regularly and A LOT

The way SP cycle through units for hand advantage allows you to commit to the field, thin your deck and still maintain good hand size. Imagine the following scenario:

Your turn starts with 3 CB, and 2 soul.
Stride Aurageyser on top of Claret, fetch a swordbreaker
SB for swordbreaker draw a card (+1 hand)
Call Nemain/Giva to cycle through cards (drop 1, +2 hand, overall +1)
Make another column with 21k.
Swing with Nemain/Giva + 8k sword breaker (11k)
Swing with aurageyser and add 2+3 cards to hand (+5 hand), triggers to side
swing with last column, usually 26-31k.

You just cycled through 9 cards in your deck, for 3CB and 2SB, and a discard, easily digging for more gas to go off the next turn with diablo. Opponent needs to guard a 11k, a 26K+triple drive, and another 21-31k column. This easily cost him 2-3 damage or force 5-6 cards out of his hand to guard. Its absolutely smashing your opponent's face, and you will be smiling while doing it.

Card Explanation:


12 crit 4 heals: Standard procedure. You can make room for a single cursed eye raven, but I found in testing that if you fail to kill the other person, the chance of decking is actually real.  Hence why I didn't run howl owl for the souls, but trust me, you won'r need more than 2 souls for this list. You are not gonna stride aura twice, neither do you use trumpeter. Just 1 lonely swordbreaker to cash in cheap card advantage off claret and aurageyser to turn the deck on autopilot.

3 David: No jokes here. Run AT LEAST 3 of these, you won't regret it. It just makes the deck so trivial. Aurageyser? Pay with just your starter. Diablo? Just claret a 2nd and pay again. Not striding and want claret to smash? Pay with one for the cheapest 21k 2 crit possible. It is also a 10k shield if really needed, which increases the overall density of shields in hand, though I would really not want to guard with this unless I have to. The fact that its not a good booster is countered by the way the deck makes it a 7k booster through claret's +2k, and you can either boost the Vg or fiercebau otherwise.


4 Night sky eagle: seriously run 4 of these. They are very good at beefing up RG columns. They make 11k attackers, make 21k with basically any 10k+ in front, It even makes 16k with Giva or david. And with all the crits rolling from the VG, they are gonna guard it like mad, making these 21k columns, especially with crits, really punishing to their resources to guard.

4 Branwen: The standard stride fodder. Makes sure you hit claret in timely fashion, and is fodder for striding otherwise.

4 Karma collector: your countercharge PG. With how fast you plow through your deck, you are almost guaranteed to see at least 1 unflip off them. Maintaining Claret's breakstride effect and Diablo or Aurageyser cost 2 CB per turn, so this gives it a little help to ensure there is a 3rd time.

1 Charon: No it is not a typo, I am playing a 8k vanilla. Due to the presence of nemain in the deck, I have one of this to make the column boost to 11k. Also calling it with claret, although not desirable, is still a 10k booster for a turn. If not to your taste you can consider running Bolfri instead as a potential 10k attacker.

1 Swordbreaker: Yes only 1. Its for cases when you really need it. And honestly with the lack of soul, you do not ever want to call it more than once from deck. The 1st soul is strictly reserved for Aurageyser, so this is the give some use to the remaining soul. She still can make columns with 10k attackers for 16k, or even make 11k columns with david before you retire them both to Diablo. You can drop the Charon for another, but I feel it is overkill just to increase the odds of seeing one go off. You do not need this to go off to make this deck work: it good to have but you won't die without it.


4 Serva: Why 10k vanilla? Because it is awesome with eagle. That and since you want to stride first before your opponent, you will have to sit on G2 for at least a round. This gives you one of the safest G2 to sit on, as well as making 21k columns with eagle. If you manage to draw multiples you can call them as pokers, and they are not as easily punished as most 9k G2. This really helps to shore up the weak start most GB dependent decks have.

2 Macart: These are here for just 1 purpose: Kormac at the VERY end of the game when you are going to deck out. They are basically vanillas that are not as good as vanillas, but you have to play them to access the backup plan. So just the minimal amount is fine, it is also fine to ride this if you cant find a 10k to ride since you are going to SB it out anyway.

2 fiercebau: They are here mainly as unflip pressure, They edge out a little over shadow lancer cause with eagles (again!) you can make a 22k column if eagle is the only backrow left. They don't actually have to countercharge, as if that attack got 2-3 cards off the opponent, its already worth it. If you need the unflip, you might have to be cautious and swing RG VG RG with fiercebau being last, and retiring 1st RG column and VG booster.

1 Giva & 1 Nemain: This is personal preference, but the main turn you want to use the draw 2 is when you are trying to set up. Giva is a little more easier to make columns with as a 7k, but nemain gives you cards when you need them the most. So pick your choice; I opted to run just 1 of each because even if I dump all my CB on the VG, the option is still good to have.


4 Claret: The main G3 you want to sit on and milk for all it's worth. Do note that the 2k power is deceptively useful. Eagles can hit crossrides, 10k attacker becomes 12k, swordbreaker can boost nemain to hit 11k. Also post aurageyser, you can use his GB2 to pressure crits every turn if you find yourself in a situation where you cannot or do not want to stride, so just cause you are striding does not mean there is no crit pressure, making them drop at least 2 cards a turn for the VG.

3 Kormac: This is your alternative ride. He is strictly there as a legion option, again also with crit pressure. He is also not picky on what he eats, so you can feed him used swordbreaker or eagles. the 23k legion attack also lets you pull a 31k with charon, if the oppotunity presents itself.


2 Aurageyser: This is your set-up stride. 90% of the time you are going to stride this first to set up for the rest of the game. fuels your hand and gives you options to either diablo next turn or claret to pressure. I don't run another pair because I forgone SC effects for more pressure, as owls just make you deck out faster.

4 Diablo: This is the pressure maker. Mid game you basically cripple your opponent with this. It cost minimal 4 cards (2 RG and 2 for PG) to guard this, and mercy on your foes if they don't have a pg. He can win you the game form 3 damage easily, and paying for him is as simple as David + used units. Between this, claret and kormac, you are gonna pressure them crits every single turn.

2 Others: The last 2 strides are for toolboxing. I am not a fan of recruiter as you already toolbox very well, and I always stride aura first. However, there are times this is better, however uncommon. Elsyion is another pressure unit, and can get scary columns if boosted by at least a 6k booster (41k), which is nearly unguardable outside of PG early. You can even run a 2nd pair of aurageysers, although it is not advised. Others consider Blizza or Atmos, but its really up to you.


What I did not play and why:

Blaster Dark Diablo and CO.

Blaster Dark Diablo: Lets come to some consensus; Diablo is not very good without his stride. So he is only relevant on turns where you stride PBDD, which is pretty much only twice if you want to use the effect. People argue that you can ride this over claret before striding to gain access to the retire, but it just cost you 2 hand ( riding Diablo and another card to stride over since you will be at GB2) and I'd rather use claret to toolbox and thin the deck, fill some columns and push for game. It is true that Diablo lets PBDD kill off a RG so he cannot pay for the guard restriction and die, but that is not the reason he is in this deck. He is here to pretty much bleed your opponent of cards, with the random upside of killing him if his hand is incapable of guarding, or your opponent forget it exists and did not have 2 RG up.

So I'll finalize it here again: this is NOT a PBDD deck that intends to cheese the guard restriction, this is a Claret deck aiming to overpower your opponent every turn while toolboxing and maintaining hand size. If you want a deck that fully utilize PBDD as a win condition, revengers with its blasters control is the better deck for it; this deck only have PBDD as pseudo retire to make him throw out resources to not die.

Dorint/Claudas: Regarding his other suppport, they specifically need a 'blaster' VG to function. As much as I love dorint/claudas 22k + unflip, we cannot get it consistently functioning UNLESS we stride PBDD without using its effect just for the blaster name. If the plan is to do that I suggest just playing the legend deck.

Charon/Darkheart: We already running David as retire fodder, so charon is just a glorified david who can search for Diablo, which we are not running. Darkheart clashes with our soul requirements, which is reserved for swordbreaker and aurageyser. It also requires a blaster again, making it situational to a PBDD turn. The deck slots for G1 is already tight as it is, and hard to run darkheart without running owls in this deck, which I will get to shortly.

Howl owl: This card is good, but after much testing, I feel I can actually live without the draw. Mostly because this greatly accelerated my decking speed. With strides and deck thinning, the danger of decking is quite real if you cannot kill your opponent. Also I really hate drive checking this on a PBDD turn instead of a crit, or revealing this off aurageyser. At least if you reveal a 10k shield it is worth it for aurageyser, but revealing owl is just a bad feel. I have also minimized my soul consumption in this deck to just 2, so I won't be missing this much.

Dark night maiden, Macha: A lot of you will ask why not play her. The reason is simply the lack of CB to spare. You are running pretty much 2 CB per turn just to keep on striding, which means you have about 0-1 CB to spare for her effect if you going for 2nd PBDD. Also note that she cannot search for David directly, which is a pain since you want to retire him for effects to dumb down the cost.

Demon World Castle, ToteWitchita: Many already expressed dislike for this, but I am gonna say it here to make it clear: He is just mediocre in this deck for what he does. He contest for soul, he only push for 26k with eagle (claret can go to 31k), and with your first 3 strides likely to be aura>PBDDx2, you will not use his effect much. He offers at least a call if opponent grade lock themselves, but then I rather have Cormack bust them open due to having +3k to make 19-21k VG column, and still provide the legion option which this deck sorely needs.

Revengers support: This is not the deck to play them as they require specific units to sacrifice or need a revenger VG. The exception case is Cormack as he isn't picky about his food and is a strong unit overall, although his mate is absolutely useless in here unless you want to call a trigger.


Possible Considerations

Barbelith: The SP 12k attacker should have been in the booster instead of a promo. He does make make columns without much help, and is a low maintenance but good attacker overall. I would consider swapping out giva/nemain if they under-perform, as even though I like the option of filtering 2 cards, I could not afford the CB most of the time.

Servemyu: This is another promo that can be considered. A 10k  VG booster is decent as a 1 of, probably in place of a the 8K vanilla. This becomes very relevant when you using Claret's GB2, as 31k 2 crit for little investment is no slouch. I would only run 1 though, as you can easily fetch it as required, and eagles and 8k vanilla off claret can be 10k boosters in a pinch and still work on RG columns. This is also good with Cormack to make a 33k 2 crit column.

Bolfri: Could be used instead of 8K vanilla. He can be called in by Claret to make a 12k attacker, and makes 21k column with eagle by itself, 16k with swordbreaker.. I like him, but only as an emergency attacker that can be fetched as required, and a booster that can transition into an attacker as required. Probably run the most 1-2.

Cursed eye raven: This can be swap in to replace a crit. The merits of it is that its a recyclable trigger, but even as just 1 copy I seem to always drive check it when i need it, so I stayed with 12 crits, but it is an interesting choice to feed claret or diablo with.

Witch of Comets, Manisa: Now this is a very contradictory choice, but it has proven to work reasonably well late game when you are decking out. The 10k base does not matter at that point of the game, as its kill or be killed at that point you have to legion this to prevent deck out. The advantage of replacing Cormack with her is 1)cheaper option, 2)She cost you less deck space so you can run other G2 with effects instead of Macart, and we are already 10k base G2 so the mate barely cost you deck space. In a pinch she is functionally a 12k attacker, but most of the time she is stride fodder or your legion on final few turns. Give her a try as she does not disappoint, but be prepared to get a lot of people's attention.