Thursday 4 June 2015

Deck Profile: My Ashlei Stands Above All

So today I did this deck on a whim, which feels a little different from normal JK decks. But i feel this is a decent deck that can still fight with the newer decks thanks to stride and LB4 enabler. So lets move on to deck list:

Disclaimer: This deck is NOT meta. This is about what I feel is important as a VG player: winning Image. You can beat anyone with a meta deck, but if you are looking for style points, or want to try something people do not usually predict very well, come give this deck a try. Its actually reasonably fun to play.

Deck Name: My Ashlei Stands Above All

Grade 0: 17
1 Heloise (FVG)
5 crit (JK)
2 draw (JK)
5 stand (JK)
4 heal (JK)

Grade 1: 14
4 Holy knight guardian (PGG)
2 Alwain (Ashlei Pump)
4 Cymberline (rest pump jk +10k)
4 Sabremy (LB4 enabler)

Grade 2: 11
4 Tracey (12k attacker)
4 Swordmy (searcher)
2 Violinist (CB1 SB1 call G2)
1 Kymbelinus (special intercept)

Grade 3: 8
4 Ashlei R
3 Ashlei (breakride)
1 Yvain (legion)

Grade 4:
2 Garblade (swordmy pressure)
2 Jirron
2 Saint Blow (crit finisher)
2 Samuil (Dragruler effect)

Game Plan:
Flood the field (like what all JK should do) and smack them silly. Using Samuil to push them in damage helps to make your stand triggers all the more scary. You want to mainly sit on Ashlei R, either crossride or not. The breakride is good for forcing PG, and the crossride is a nightmare to face as an aggro deck. The deck is relatively light on CB compared to other RP decks (only Samuil and Ashlei R into swordmy cost 2CB per turn). I don't really think the JK PG is needed, but if you feel otherwise you can run JK PG instead.

Winning Image:
Swinging in with a full field and making him guard everything since Samuil accelerated your opponent's end game, and therefore need to guard all the attacks. You get consistency off searching for Swordmy, helping you build your field to what you need at the moment.

Notable things:

Running stands:
This is towards the game plan of sitting on Ashlei, and using Jirron and Samuil to push for end game.
With opponent's damage pushing towards 4-5 damage, stands become really annoying to deal with, and its a crying shame to put all that power to waste. I would run 6 stands if not for the need to run at least some draw, but if you are gutsy, you can run 6crit/6stand instead.

Alwain + Cymberline + stands + Jirron:
So you might ask, why did i play stands. Cause its really a waste not to due to the ways you can make some retarded attacker really huge. You can use Alwain to pump your RG ashlei bigger, making it 10k the 1st time and a stand translate to 15k guard. This does not factoring in any other effects like Cymberline +5k, or even Jirron's effect.

2 Violinist:
They are here to fetch swordmy, and if TSD splashing these does not already tell you something, its that swordmy is really consistantly good. Finds a Cyberline to boost power, Sabremy to enable LB4, or just plain fill a 16k column, all for just 1 CB. And violinist is basically your swordmy 5-6. If lacking CB you can fetch a Kymberlinus for defense or Tracey if you need another attacker.

Ashlei Crossride:
Its an option, but its alright if you do not want to make it happen. Extra Ashlei are either used as stride fodder and recycled by Alwain, or used as attackers. The main focus here is to abuse the synergy with Alwain + stands in this deck, so you want to run many Ashlei. 8 is not a lot of difference from 7, so it allows me to put in the next tech card.

x1 Yvain:
Ok this is here INCASE I am decking out, but it is quite unlikely since I will either die by then, or my opponent will. But if I reach that point, we can just shuffle back triggers and go for final push. He's crit pressure by himself, meaning opponent's cannot ignore him. Plus he is legion with swordmy, so no deck space wasted on his mate.

Why only 2 Saint Blow?!?! And why Jirron?!?!
Jirron is super synergy with stand triggers. And saint blow, although good, will usually just eat up a PG most of the time since they are expecting it, so i rather stride Samuil or Jirron instead. The saint blow are just incase you know opponent has no PG, if opportunity arises, give him the surprise butt sex. But he's not needed to kill the guy. It does not matter much wad your opponent do, he just drop cards or roll over and die. No need to worry he got PG or not. Simplicity is good.


So what do you guys think? Leave your comments if you have other interesting ways to play this deck (you can leave standard meta list too, but that be boring and brings nothing new to this archetype, so I rather not go there if possible.)

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