Monday 21 September 2015

Random Decklist: Troll Shadow

Grade 0: 17
1 Creeping dark goat
8 crit
4 cursed eye raven
4 heal

Grade 1: 13
3 Brenwen
3 Peaker
4 Nemain (PG) (non-foil)
2 Swordbreaker (only expensive RR)
1 Servemyu

Grade 2: 12
4 Serva
4 Grosne
4 Macha (LD non-foil)

Grade 3: 8
4 Manisa
2 Baddah Caar (9k)
2 Sharp Fang Witch

Grade 4:
4 Madew (comic booster R)
2 Efnysion (FC RR)
2 Diablo (non-foil)

This deck was inspired by Timmy power gamer. Its not as offensive as a claret based deck, but it has so much card advantage its not even funny.Between. Madew recycling a on call grade 3, macha, baddah and sharp fang fetching, you have many options. Peaker is there so that you don't get owned for riding one of the 9k. you can get big columns through Grosne and spamming ravens to call (which thins the deck making the legion turn high trigger density) and using sharp fang to call multiple ravens. Wads more, this deck is relatively cheap with only Swordbreaker costing a significant amount (rest of them have a cheaper alternative print).

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