Friday 15 May 2015

Card Review: Soverign Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon (I mean, AURAKAISER Dragon) + Basic combos

Card Review: Soverign Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon (I mean, AURAKAISER Dragon) + Basic combos

Finally the full effect of the SP new stride is previewed. I am a tad sad the name is Aurageyser and not Aurakaiser, which would have been more badass. After all the hype about it, many people view this as a little as underwhelming, but I assure you, this is anything but disappoint. Lets get to the card breakdown.

Stride (Released when both players' vanguards are grade 3 or greater!)-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1) & Choose a card named "Sovereign Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon" from your G zone, a turn it face up & Choose two of your rear-guards, and retire them] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, reveal two cards from the top of your deck. This unit gets [Power]+5000 for each grade 1 or less card revealed with this effect until end of turn. Put the cards revealed with this effect into your hand

Firstly, Kanzaki is a super sacker to get 2 PG off the stride effect. Its not as strong as direct search as predicted by many, but this ability, which I will dub as "Pseudo drive check", is actually really unique without being broken, and fits G-SP's "G1 matters" theme. Also this pushes G-SP into a more defensive clan who can swarm the field and get back pluses to stay healthy with guarding, a rather big change to the more offensive play-style of revengers.

It might be quite confusing for non-SP players to understand how strong this effect actually is. Basically this unit trades 1CB + 1SB and 2 retire and a copy of itself to activate, meaning the max you can use its effect is twice per game. The main effect is the additional 2 "pseudo" drive checks granted by its effect: a net +2 to your hand. This is great for setting up for your guarding, and your big power play next turn either by breakride, striding, or even legion.

Ok about his "pseudo" drive checks. Many people have pointed out that its not impressive as it only gives power to Aurageyser, and any trigger revealed would be 'wasted'. It cannot be any further from the truth. If you checked a trigger, you would have added another 10k shield into your hand (unless draw trigger), and added another 5k to Aurageyser, making it more tempting for enemy to PG or just no guard. It also turns any G1 into a real trigger to Aurageyser, which on normal circumstance is worth nothing but a 5k shield. If we follow the standard grade composition in a deck being 16 triggers and 13 G1, we have upwards 22-26 G0 or G1 out of the remainder still left in the deck, almost nearly 50% chance on first stride to get at least 5k power. That makes this a 36k triple drive column, an almost PG or no guard.

*(Gentle reminder: this happens during declaring attack, so your opponent will know exactly how much power you are getting off the skill. It works in your favor either way, as you either bait out more of his guard or force damage through).

Another important, but often taken for granted is the retire cost. This proves to be extremely good against overlord by preventing them swinging at your intercepts, and LJ so they cannot lock out that column without gimmicks. It also helps fuel for legion, as it adds at least 4 cards to drop zone in 1 shot.

So based on all this, Aurageyser is a setup stride, very similar to grim recruiter, except it does not have to hit and is a lot harder to guard without a PG due to its variable power.

Combos (obvious ones)

Some of the simplest pluses for the various archetypes:

G-Era SP

0. Start turn with 2 hand; fodder/G3 and a G1/G2

1. Draw phase (+1 hand,3 hand)
2. Stride by dropping fodder or G3 (-1 hand, 2 hand)
3. Use Claret skill to superior call a swordbreaker, draw a card (+1 unit and hand, 3 hand)
4. Call another RG in swordbreaker column (-1 hand, 2 hand)
5. Swing into Enemy VG if column is 16k+ (swordbreaker is 8k booster because of Claret), else swing their intercept
6. Swing with Aurageyser, pay cost retire swordbreaker row (-2 unit, cost 1CB 1SB)
7. Aurageyser skill drive check, imagine you drive check 2 G2/G3, so no power added (+2 hand, 4 hand)
8. Proceed to normal triple drive of the stride unit. Much higher chance to check triggers due to removal or 2 non-triggers (+3 hand, 7 hand). Opponent proceeds to eat the attack or PG (-2 enemy hand) or drop 3+ cards to guard if he is dying and no PG

total profits: +5 hand (+1-1+1-1+2+3), -1 unit (+1-2) for the cost of 2CB 2SB, 1 Fodder and 1 unit in hand, 5 cards in drop zone (If legion next turn)

Adding 6 new cards to hand in 1 turn is no laughing matter, without accounting for draw triggers. You also just went through 7 cards in your deck, greatly increasing your next turn's trigger density. This also is not including any new cheese that might appear in GBT-03 that will further imbalance this equation further. (hint: new GB1 Nemain) 

(Edit: It has caught my attention that David exists. This changes the situation to similar as Charon, making the retire cost for Aurageyser VERY affordable.)

Legend Deck

0. Charon or a way to fetch it, fodder G3 or G1 (2 hand), Blaster dark diablo as VG

1. Draw (3 hand)
2. Stride Aurageyser, discard fodder (-1 hand, 2 hand)
3. Call charon (-1 hand, 1 hand)
4. Charon boost with starter, 5k guard
5. Aurageyser attack, retire charon (-1 RG)
6. Aurageyser skill drive check, imagine you drive check 2 G2/G3, so no power added (+2 hand, 3 hand)
7. Proceed to normal triple drive of the stride unit. Much higher chance to check triggers due to removal or 2 non-triggers (+3 hand, 6 hand). Opponent proceeds to eat the attack or PG (-2 enemy hand) or drop 3+ cards to guard if he is dying and no PG

Total profits: +4 hand (+1-1-1+2+3), -1 RG (charon), 1CB 1SB

In this scenario it is a insanely cheap setup for 5 new cards in hand, while only retiring charon (potential G3 filter), as well as instantly going to GB2 which allows cheap diablo strides next turn while maintaining a reasonable board. Add in Macha for for insane plus through calling trumpeter into claudas for a new 16k column.


0. Start with fodder and mana in hand (2 hand)

1. Draw (3 hand)
2. Stride (2 hand)
3. Call mana, calling any G1 (shadow lancer to filter if G3 in hand, dark bond to CB and filter a G0 or Claudas (-1 hand)
4. Mana boost attack intercept or VG
5. Aurageyser attack, retire mana and called unit (-2 RG)
6. Aurageyser skill drive check, imagine you drive check 2 G2/G3, so no power added (+2 hand, 3 hand)
7. Proceed to normal triple drive of the stride unit. Much higher chance to check triggers due to removal or 2 non-triggers (+3 hand, 6 hand). Opponent proceeds to eat the attack or PG (-2 enemy hand) or drop 3+ cards to guard if he is dying and no PG
8. If called trumpeter and not retired, return to deck to be called again later.

Total profit: +4 hand (+1-1-1+2+3), costing 1-2 CB 1SB, 2 retire, Thin deck of 2-3 non-triggers (remove 8-9 cards out of deck), 4 cards in drop zone for legion.

This suits the revengers playstyle for setting up Abyss breakride turn. For a minimal cost you thin your deck, dig deeper to find an abyss, and add cards to hand to guard as required, granting a more devastating legion turn that drive check into lots of triggers to wreck them. Given the nature of how revengers call units for cheap, the retire does not really hurt them much. If Judgebau was behind the Vg this creates immense pressure to your opponent, as you threaten to dig up  to 2 swordbreakers for even more insane pluses, and setting up for a diablo gambit next turn.


Post legion turn:

0. Hand fodder, a morpher(G1 or G2) (2 hand)
1. Draw (3 hand)
2. Stride (2 hand)
3. Call morpher, change a RG (1 hand)
4. attack with column
5. Aurageyser attack, retire morpher and used unit (-2 RG)
6. Aurageyser skill drive check, imagine you drive check 2 G2/G3, so no power added (+2 hand, 3 hand)
7. Proceed to normal triple drive of the stride unit. Much higher chance to check triggers due to removal or 2 non-triggers (+3 hand, 6 hand). Opponent proceeds to eat the attack or PG (-2 enemy hand) or drop 3+ cards to guard if he is dying and no PG

Total profit: +4 hand (+1-1-1+3+2), CB1 and SB2, reload hand for next legion turn, retire already used on-call RG to be legion back (Melb or Setcurna), 4 cards in drop for next legion, force more 0s out of hand.

So summary:

  • Aurageyser WILL find a home in pretty much every SP deck as a 2-4 off
  • Converts RG (usually those that already gave pluses) for MORE pluses in hand.
  • Do not fear its "pseudo check", a plus is still a plus!
  • Sets up most kinds of finishers (Abyss or Diablo)
  • Fits beautifully into the legend deck (1st stride), Charon makes it cheap, sets up Blaster Dark's GB2 for just 1CB and 1SB
Overall Verdict: 9/10 (will be everywhere in SP, and they will be EVERYWHERE)

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