Monday 24 August 2015

Away Doesn't Mean Gone Forever, Random Rants

Hi all, and as most of you are aware, its been a LONG time since I last posted, so I figured a update post is in order.

I have been away with other commitments since last month; getting a job, sorting out personal problems, and so many weekend events that I could not find the time to have fun at Vanguard. But I frankly didn't regret the 'break'.

The burnout is real. I starting to get weary of the game as time goes by. Its very natural for us to experience this, once things get repetitive, we take things for granted, and nothing really seems to maintain our interest. Times like this a little away time might be just what the doctor ordered.

Been playing all other sort of games online as I haven;t the time to pop by my LGS to play. Path of Exile. Skyforge open beta. Hearthstone. Diablo 3. Even just catching up on all those shows I told myself to get it over with" but procrastinated.  We only have so much time in our mortal time here, and if your interest is like mine, we just ain't got enough time to do ALL of them.

But fear not people. I have taken a break, and now that I have a fresher perspective of the game, and with GBT04 inbound, I will have more interesting things to talk about for awhile! Definitely look forward to the following:

  • Talk about each Clan that will gain support from the set. Focus mostly the mechanics for each G-era clan, the flavor of the mechanics and how they work.

  • A guide on deck decisions, as well as in-game decisions for G-era decks, with focus on tackling Grade-locking opponents.

  • Why taking damage early in G-era is bad, and guarding early can either make or break the game for you.

  • A Stand trigger rant: why bushi pushing hard for stand with strong recycling effects.

First one will probably span around 6-7 articles at least, so expect to see quite a few post in the weeks to come.