- Opponent: Playing Claret Sword. At 4 damage, 3 pg used, 8 hand. Has 11 bind cards on screenshot.
- Vanquisher: At 5 damage, just strided and use voltage. Front row got a whooping 33k.
- Left side is Desert Gunner Shouran (+3k when a card is bind) just saw 4 cards bind this turn (1 from stride over vanquisher,triggered 2 chain bolt dragoon's skill, 1 wildrun dragoon).
- A chain bolt pumped chatura, the 2nd one pumped red river dragoon.
- Chatura get wildrun's 5k. I didn't do the math right, but after the game realized chatura is suppose to be 51k instead. Math is really hard.
- Had 2 stands and 2 crit left in the deck.
- Hitting with chatura will buff everything in front row by another 3k
- Hitting with voltage will buff everything by 6k.
Opponent was a good sport and didn't ragequit immediately. Props to him.